Solutions for smoke extraction in the event of fire

When a fire breaks out in a building, whether residential or industrial, it is necessary to extract smoke from the fire area to evacuate people and possible victims, protect the building structure and facilitate access for fire-fighting equipment. All SODECA smoke extractors and ventilation solutions meet the most rigorous standards and are certified by independent laboratories.

In accordance with standard EN 12101-3
In accordance with standard EN 12101-3
Designed with a dual purpose: daily ventilation (comfort) and emergency ventilation (in the event of fire).
They ensure adequate temperature and visibility conditions.
They allow fire fighters to perform their job perfectly.
They improve visibility in the fire zone.
They supply of fresh air to reduce smoke toxicity.
They reduce the air temperature in the fire zone.


Smoke extraction in the event of a fire is essential for ensuring the safe and efficient evacuation of buildings, while reducing the propagation of fire and minimising the material damages and human injury.

Car parks

In car parks, ventilation can be natural or mechanical. In the latter case, Jet Fans must be installed to properly move the air and maintain the required conditions of safety and comfort under normal conditions, as well as in the event of a fire.

Car parks 1 MECHANICAL through ducts
Car parks 2 MECHANICAL assisted by impulse ventilation
Car parks 3 NATURAL assisted by impulse ventilation

Industrial buildings

These ventilation systems extract the hot gases generated at the start of a fire and create smoke-free zones underneath the floating smoke layers, thereby improving evacuation conditions and facilitating firefighting. They also prevent secondary fires and control the temperature of the smoke to prevent a building from collapsing.

Industrial buildings 1 Smoke exhaust in SINGLE-STORY BUILDINGS
Industrial buildings 2 Smoke exhaust in MULTI-STORY BUILDINGS

Cold storage rooms

The implementation of a smoke control system in the event of a fire in cold storage rooms involves unique differences with respect to traditionally installed smoke control systems in industrial buildings. The presence of a double roof (composed of the cold storage room's ceiling and the roof of the building) complicates the process of extracting the smoke generated by a fire inside the cold storage room towards the exterior. The equipment installed on the casing of the cold storage room requires thermal insulation features in order to prevent high energy losses.

Cold storage rooms 1 Direct from the cold storage room
Cold storage rooms 2 Cold storage rooms 2 Exhaust by plenum
Cold storage rooms 3 Cold storage rooms 3 Conducted from the cold storage room

Evacuation routes

Pressurisation control systems protect evacuation routes in the event of fire by preventing the entry of smoke through air overpressure. If the doors are opened or in the event of air leaks, the system reacts by increasing the flow rate. This guarantees that the escape routes are always free of smoke in an emergency situation.

Evacuation routes 1 Intake of outside air
Evacuation routes 2 Joint pressurisation of lobbies
Evacuation routes 3 Pressurisation air exhaust
Evacuation routes 4 Individual pressurisation of lobbies
Evacuation routes 5 High-rise buildings


The reliability of the tunnel ventilation system is essential to ensure the safety of users over time. Tunnel ventilation can be natural or forced. In the last case, fans should be installed to generate adequate air movement to maintain safe conditions both in comfort mode and in case of emergency.

Tunnels 1 Longitudinal ventilation
Tunnels 2 Transverse ventilation
Tunnels 3 Semi-transverse ventilation

Our projects department

Our projects department

For the correct design of a smoke control system, SODECA has a Projects Department formed by technicians who specialise in offering personalised advice from the initial phase of a project by providing a complete technical study that includes:

· Size calculations
· Equipment location drawings
· The operating logic of the system
· The specifications of all the equipment that form a part of the system

Including the smoke exhaust fans, outside air supply fans, smoke control dampers and system control panels.


Related videos

SODECA. Real-life scenario smoke testing (EN)
Motorised hatches for smoke extract from cold rooms (EN)